Conceiving a Vision
We have experience constructing digital marketing campaigns for a wide variety of clients, utilizing a wide variety of channels. Whether for stand-alone campaigns, or in connection with one of our WordPress websites, we understand the requirements of marketing to online audiences. Technological advancements have helped to smooth out some of the past difficulties of advertising, such as understanding who is actually viewing your ads, the ability to track these people down and engage with them, and the ability to remarket to customers and similar audiences who are interested in your ads. We apply all of these considerations to every digital marketing campaign, in our ongoing effort to realize the full potential of marketing over the internet.
See our Online Marketing Strategy work for our Move Up Prince George project here.
Online Innovation
KIMBO Design was one of the first agencies to recognize the potential value of social media, so we pride ourselves on innovative social media practices. With personal representatives at Facebook and Google, along with contacts at Twitter, LinkedIn, Postmedia and content sites like Vancouver is Awesome and Daily Hive, we are always up to date on the latest and greatest online. KIMBO Design understands that social media marketing technology is never something you can master, because of the rapid changes it undergoes, so the process by which you approach digital marketing must be constantly refined and focused. Our process ensures that your message is placed in the perfect spot for its audience.
See our Social Media Strategy work with The Burrard Hotel here.
Executing Our Plan
At KIMBO, we understand that any media strategy consists of parts that complement one another. The proliferation of online media channels has created more places to reach audiences than ever before, but the similarities between many of these channels can often lead agencies to believing that they can all be treated equally, with a one-size-fits-all strategy across platforms. Traditionally, you would never have considered treating print and radio equally, and while the differences may be less pronounced, for this reason you should not treat Twitter and Instagram as if the same strategy will perform on both platforms. KIMBO acknowledges these differences when planning a comprehensive media buy, and uses the subtleties as new regions to inject creative planning.
Tracking Success
Perhaps the most advantageous evolution in digital marketing is the wealth of data now available for each campaign. Monitoring ad sets for performance is a crucial step in establishing sustained campaign success, and KIMBO takes pride in offering analytic insights to every client. Throughout the duration of a campaign, we provide frequent update reports, and then use the information we gain from these to hone our ad sets, optimizing the campaign while it’s still live. This method allows us to fully utilize our digital capabilities and expertise, maximizing engagement and specifying your target audience. Our reporting also gives every client a quantifiable takeaway for the project, showing them exactly how their budget was spent, and how their goals were achieved.