A long-time client, ABCFP approached KIMBO to refresh their code of ethics document and create a fresh new look and layout for the Professional Governance Act.

ABCFP – Professional Governance Act cover.
The goals of this project were to present lengthy legal content in an organized and visually engaging way that also aligned with ABCFP’s brand. Both documents also needed to be accessible and prepped for print and web formats. ABCFP’s bright brand colours were used to inject some playfulness and helped give the eye natural breaks for different content sections. Circular elements from their logo were incorporated into crops and used to draw attention and highlight pieces of information.
ABCFP PGA interior spread.
ABCFP – Professional Governance Act.
ABCFP Professional Governance Act interior spread.
ABCFP Code of Ethics Document.
KIMBO handed over two materials: The ABCFP Professional Governance Act as well as their code of ethics document. The materials successfully laid out complex legal and technical information in a modern and organized way for web and print distribution.