Branding, Campaigns, Social Media, Web Design

Coast Mental Health – 50th Anniversary Campaign

Project Overview

Coast Mental Health (CMH) stands as a cornerstone in the landscape of mental health support in British Columbia. For fifty years, CMH has tirelessly championed the cause of mental well-being, evolving and adapting to meet the needs of its community. As CMH celebrates its 50th anniversary, the occasion serves not only as a moment of reflection but also as an opportunity to showcase its growth, resilience, and enduring commitment to its mission.

Coast Mental Health – Website Banner

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  • Coast Mental Health Imagine
  • Coast Mental Health


    What We Delivered:

    • Stakeholders’ engagement
    • Creative Ideation
    • Brand Development
    • Branded Graphic Design Assets


    • Web Design and Development
    • Social Media Strategy
    • Video Production

    The Challenge

    Despite its esteemed reputation, CMH faced several key challenges as it embarked on its 50th-anniversary campaign. From enhancing awareness of its vision and values to distinguishing itself from Vancouver Coastal Health, CMH sought to navigate a complex landscape while reaffirming its commitment to innovation and excellence in mental healthcare.

    The anniversary celebration presented an unparalleled opportunity to address these challenges and underscore CMH’s invaluable contributions to the community.

  • Increasing Awareness: To elevate awareness of CMH’s vision, values, purpose, and mission within the community.
  • Brand Differentiation: To distinguish CMH from Vancouver Coastal Health and highlight its unique contributions.
  • Celebrating Achievements: To develop a campaign that commemorates CMH’s history as a trailblazer in community mental health.
  • Expertise Showcase: To showcase CMH’s expertise, knowledge, and vision in supporting the mental health community.
  • Social Impact Demonstration: To illustrate CMH’s profound social impact and value in community healthcare.

  • Coast Mental Health – Banner Stand


    The Strategy

    In response to the multifaceted challenges at hand, CMH devised a comprehensive strategy rooted in storytelling, unity, and innovation. Through a meticulously curated campaign theme and cohesive design elements, CMH sought to engage stakeholders while reinforcing its position as a pioneering force in community mental health. By partnering with KIMBO Design, CMH leveraged the expertise and creativity necessary to bring its vision to fruition, ensuring a campaign that resonated deeply with its audience and left a lasting impact.

    Campaign Theme:

    The campaign theme revolves around three core elements: Where we started, What we’ve accomplished, and What do we want to achieve (Visionary). This theme encapsulates CMH’s journey, accomplishments, and future aspirations.

    Design Elements:

    The campaign’s design elements are unified to create a consistent brand identity across all marketing channels. Kimbo Design curated yellow and gold colors to signify the 50th anniversary. The campaign incorporates an integrated marketing and communications approach to ensure public engagement and prevent messaging overlap with fundraising activities.

    Service Phases by KIMBO Design:

  • Data Collection/Ideation: Gathering insights and creative brainstorming.
  • Branded Graphic Design Assets: Developing visually striking assets aligned with the campaign theme.
  • Web Design and Development: Creating a digital platform showcasing CMH’s milestones over 50 years.
  • Social Media Strategy: Crafting engaging content and graphics for social media channels.
  • Video Production: Producing compelling video vignettes for the website.

  • Coast Mental Health – Brand Guide Designed by KIMBO Design Inc.

    Web Designed and Developed Page for Coast Mental Health 50th Anniversary



    As the curtains closed on CMH’s 50th-anniversary campaign, the organization stood proud of its achievements and the profound impact it had made on the lives of individuals and communities alike. With soaring employee and donor engagement, the campaign succeeded in amplifying awareness of CMH’s mission and values, solidifying its brand differentiation, and showcasing its unwavering dedication to mental healthcare.

    The collaboration with KIMBO Design emerged as a pivotal factor in the campaign’s success, exemplifying the power of partnership and creativity in driving meaningful change.

    Related Case Studies:

  • Coast Mental Health Advocacy Campaign
  • Coast Mental Health Imagine
  • Coast Mental Health
  • Let's create something incredible together!

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